
Dear Erasmus students! Welcome at the faculty of Law, University of Vienna!

European Law influences almost all areas of national legal systems. Excellent knowledge of European Law, its methods as well as its influence on the laws of the Member States is thus necessary for all legal professions.

The European Law team at the University of Vienna wishes you a successful study year at our faculty!


Participation in European Law Lecture Courses (introduction, fundamental freedoms, antitrust law, judicial protection) is always appreciated (see Course Directory). Erasmus students have the possibility to pass a separate exam on request.


  • separate appointment within the exam week
  • Exam material is the same as presented in the course

You may also visit courses and seminars of our comprehensive elective courses (Wahlfachkorb)!

These courses allow a widening and/or specialization within European Law through manifold courses offered.


General information about the Erasmus program for incoming students you will find at the ERASMUS+ Office (Institutional Coordinator)!