Module examination European Law Dr. Hornkohl
General information on the module examinations can be found here. The examination for IREWI is held in English.
Information on the scope and literature for the oral European law examinations with Ass.-Prof. Dr. Lena Hornkohl for the Diplomstudium Rechtswissenschaften can be found here, for International Legal Studies here.
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Lena Hornkohl offers exam preparatory exercises for the oral exams in winter semester 2024 (here). Participation is strongly recommended.
Dates and modalities
Attendance exam
Examination venue and dates: u:find
These are expected exam dates, they may change within the exam week! Listening is possible, registration isn't required.
For organisational issues (particularly deregistering for oral exams) please contact:
The assignment to a specific examiner is made according to letter groups. You can view the current examination schedule online. Candidates are always assigned to the current letter grouping!