Exchange Programme- University of Sydney
What does this Exchange Programme have to offer?
In the framework of this Exchange Programme, students of Vienna’s Law School have the opportunity to study at the Sydney Centre for International Law of the University of Sydney’s Law School ( for one semester. (Semester 2: 28th July – 29th November 2025). The tuition fees are waived for exchange students. However, students have to bear all other costs themselves, such as residential fees, meals and accommodation, books, health insurance (Overseas Student Health Cover), travelling expenses, and the fees for obtaining a visa. They will be assisted by the International Office at the University of Sydney.
Who is eligible to apply?
Students in law who have at least started the 2nd part of their study curriculum when applying.
Selection Criteria
- Language skills (required documents: exam grades and language certificates!)
- Structured letter of motivation (including a description of the nature and content of the intended study)
- Excellent study results (study progress to date, duration and grades)
- Personal interview with the coordinator of this exchange program, Prof August Reinisch. This will be offered upon assessment of the application material and invitation only.
Application Material
All documents are to be submitted in English!
- CV
- letter of motivation (incl. predicted courses and matters of interest)
- recommendation letter by an academic referee; at least one, preferably two
- transcript of grades of law studies
- language skills documentation
Proof of language skills (at least 90 points on a computer-based TOEFL-Test; 600 points on the paper-based TOEFL-Test; or at least 7 points on the IELTS-Test of the British Council, whereby 6,5 points are to be obtained for the essay writing).
Student Allowance
As a matter of principle, you will be able to receive the allowance also while studying in Australia. Students already obtaining student allowances are also eligible to request a grant for studying abroad. Applications are to be made as soon as possible. Further information please contact the: Studienbeihilfenbehörde, Gudrunstr. 179A, 1100 Wien, Tel.: 601730,
Application Deadline and Modalities
Please submit your application material for the coming study year 2025, July 28, 2025 - November 29, 2025 no later than January 21, 2025 to Ms Mag. Claudia Luxon either via email ( ) or in envelopes to the Section for International Law and International Relations at the Juridicum (5th floor, Stiege 2). Decisions will be made by the selection committee immediately thereafter so that the best applicants receive their invitations to an interview at the end of October.
Picture: Kathrin Ebner
Picture: Great Barrier Reef, Kathrin Ebner
Picture: Kathrin Ebner
Picture: Marisa Schlacher
Picture: Paula Resch
Picture: Sydney Harbour, Paula Resch
Picture: University of Sydney, Paula Resch