
Finding a topic


In addition to interest and above-average examination results in the subject of European Law, languages skills (German, English and French; knowledge of another European Union languages is desirable) are a prerequisite for the acceptance of a dissertation.

As soon as you have concrete ideas about your dissertation topic, you can make an appointment with me for an interview. I politely request both the presentation of a concrete topic and a preliminary concept (approx. 3-5 pages).

Before the initial interview, please send me one or two of your own scientific papers (essay, thesis, seminar paper, term paper, or similar). Since acceptance for the dissertation also requires relevant knowledge in the field, please send me copies of your certificates (European law, constitutional and administrative law, as well as any other relevant ones in the chosen subject area).

If supervision seems to be within the realm of possibility, we will fix a preliminary working title of your dissertation already in the first meeting (or in further meetings).

Concept development


The next step is the preparation of a concept, which should be about 15 pages long and consists of a still preliminary outline and a bibliography. In a further discussion you will elaborate why your topic is suitable for a dissertation, what concrete legal problems arise and what your research question(s) are.

The outline represents the envisaged structure of the thesis. The bibliography can be concise and should only include directly relevant works, not general works (textbooks, commentaries, survey literature).

The decision on whether to accept supervision will be based on the concept, subsequent discussions, and any revisions to a formal dissertation exposé.

I kindly request your participation in one of my seminars.



Finally, you submit the dissertation topic together with the confirmation of supervision, the dissertation agreement and the exposé to the Study Service Center.

Here you may find the curriculum of the doctoral program of legal studies.

General information about the doctoral program process is available here.

A total listing of approved and non-approved dissertations can be found here.


Master thesis

Finding a topic


A master's thesis is a deemd a scientific academic paper.

In addition to an interest in and above-average examination results in the subject of European law, language skills are a prerequisite for acceptance acceptance for supervision.

The following language skills are required: German, English and another language of the Union spoken by a large number of people (e.g. French, Italian, Spanish, Polish).

As soon as you have a specific idea about your topic, you can make an appointment with me for an initial discussion. I kindly request that you present both a specific topic and a preliminary concept (approx. 3-5 pages).

Before the initial discussion, please send me one or two of your own scientific papers (essay, diploma thesis, seminar paper, term paper, etc.) as well as a short curriculum vitae.

Drafting the concept


Since acceptance for supervision also requires relevant knowledge, please add copies of certificates (European law, constitutional and administrative law, and any other relevant certificates in the chosen subject area). Proven knowledge of and/or experience with the intended topic is required.

If supervision seems possible, we will determine a preliminary working title for your thesis during the initial meeting (or in further meetings).

The next step is to develop a concept, which will be about 10 pages long and consist of a preliminary outline and a bibliography.

In a further meeting, you will present what makes your topic a master's thesis topic, what specific legal problems arise and what your research question(s) are.

The concept presents the intended structure of the work. The bibliography can be kept short and should only include directly relevant works, not general works (textbooks, commentaries, survey literature).


I kindly request that you attend one of my seminars. 



The decision on the offer of supervision is based on the concept, the subsequent discussions about it and any revisions to a formal exposé. You then submit the master's thesis topic and the offer of supervision to the IREWI directorate of studies.