Staff of the Department of European, International and Comparative Law

International Law

Prof. Dr. Ursula Kriebaum

Mag. Maximilian Weninger

Leo Jan Zirwes

Secretariat: Martina Terp

Prof. Dr. Irmgard Marboe

Prof. Dr. August Reinisch, LL.M.

Prof. DDr. Erich Schweighofer

Prof. Dr. Michael Waibel, MSc LL.M.


Prof. Dr. Stephan Wittich

Secretariat: Brigitte Weidinger

External Lecturers

Former Professors

Comparative Law

 Univ.-Prof. Dr.iur. Matthias Lehmann, D.E.A. (Paris II), LL.M., J.S.D (Columbia)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Helmut Ofner, LL.M.

Univ.-Ass. Filipa Mariz-Correia

Univ.-Ass. Mag. Nina Schneider

Stud.-Ass. Katja Irina Frasl

Stud.-Ass. Adrian Resch


Secretariat: Martina Hugl  


ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Claudia Rudolf

Stud.-Ass. Laura Leeb

Stud.-Ass. Peter Leitenbauer


Tenure Track Professor

Ass.Prof. Dr. Stephanie Nitsch

Stud.-Ass. Livia Rungg


External Lecturers


Contact Secretariat Prof. Ofner: Martina Hugl

 Mag. Alexander Gregor Albl, LL.M. 

 Dr. Juan Jorge Bautista Gomez, MA

 Mag. Nicole Fidler

 Dr. Sophie Illedits

 Doz. (FH) Mag. Christoph Kothbauer

 Dr. Bettina Schober

 Dr. Claudia Sessa-Jahn

 Dr. Anna Maria Stelzer

 Mag. Dr. Roman Wagner MAS MSc

 MMag. Dr. Arno Weigand

 Dr. Stefan Wrbka

 Mag. Christian Zenz


Contact Secretariat Prof. Lehmann