The Odysseus Academic Network announces the revival of its Executive Master in European Law on Migration and Asylum, a unique program entirely devoted to EU Law and Policy on Migration and Asylum taking place online from September 2022 till July 2023.
The 2022 Odysseus Summer School is accessible for free to the participants who register to the Executive Master program!
- All courses online, including some gatherings in Brussels with the professors
- To acquire in-depth knowledge of EU migration & asylum law, Including the latest and most controversial developments
- A program legally oriented but also accessible to non-jurists
- Accessible to students but also professionals (courses on Friday evenings & Saturday mornings)
- Professors from all Member States among the top specialists in this field, including practitioners from European Commission, Parliament and Council
- Small group with interactive courses
- The right place to build a professional network
- Three modules: Introduction, Migration (including visas & borders), Asylum
- Courses including theory and practical elements, including writing a blog post to be published on the Odysseus blog
- Traineeship and research opportunities