The summer school has trained more than 2000 persons and is well known among employers considering it as an asset for job seekers. The objective is to give the participants a global understanding of the European immigration and asylum policies from a legal perspective, including the latest developments in 2022. The course provides also an excellent opportunity to spend an intellectually stimulating fortnightand to network among a group of around one hundred fellow participantsspecialised in the area of migration and asylum. [1]
A program made of three parts [2]:
- Introductory courses
- Migration including visas and borders
- Asylum
- Interesting for students and professionals
To acquire an in-depth knowledge of EU Migration and Asylum Law [3]
- Courses including theory and practical elements
- Including evening debates on last developments on New Migration and Asylum Pact, the crisis at the border with Belarus, temporary protection for Ukrainians
- Controversal issues such as accountability of Frontex, scope of application of human rights
Professors among best specialists from all EU Member States
- Including proctitioners from EU institutions: Commission, Council, Parliament & EU agencies
All courses on-site but also entirely on-line [4]
- All courses on-site given separetely in Englush and in French (online only in English)
- A program legally oriented but also accessible to non-jurists
- Including PhD seminar with four grants
- And a crowdfunding campain to help refugee-students to participate, in particular Ukrainians and Afghans
The right place to discover the capital of Europe [5]
- And to meet a group of one hundred persons interested by EU Migration and Asylum Law
- And to build a professional network!